Last Tuesday morning, we brought something from home, like paper, cardboard, string, colors, etc. in our Design 1 class, and we made our own “stone soup” before end of the class. Stone soup is not only the old tale in a child book; it is also about share ideas and creative thinking from other people. Each person has one or two ideas, but if there is a group of people, the number of ideas will be multiplied by the number of people in this group. Then it is the time to design something new and interesting. In our group, we have 8 numbers and plus our mentor will be 9 people. The first thing is put out our materials for the stone soup activities. So, we got many papers, types, color pens… and a T-shirt, and also a clothes hanger! Because of that, our first idea pops out. We will make a little guy named Emo(I don’t know how to spell the name currently) Then, we divide in 3 groups, one is for build his head& hair, one is for body& arms, and last one is for his legs. Finally, when we finished each part of him, we put it together. We really like what we did together and his out-looking. After we finished, some girls put tattoos on his arm and also his mouth& eyebrows, which give his some attitude for his personality.
This activity can enrich our creativity, and to show our cooperation in a group work. In addition, we are kind of a shy group, but we getting know each other more in this time, which is great!