We can find numbers of things related with words and images. Such as book covers, CD covers, posters, flyers, comics, Ads. In my DES 113 class, we are learning how to combine texts and images, and there is one exercise we did was an image that there was an old couple sitting on a bench in front a seascape. They were facing to the sea, and the weather was sunny and the sea was in beautiful tint blue. Because the image is so lovely and romantic, that is why I chose the Cooper STD, bold font and make the text more vertically scale. After that, I changed the color for the texts. The first letter of each line, I chose four very high saturation and bright colors. For other texts are 100% white but for the “love”, I want to put the pink “love” between the couple and arrange texts left align. It gives the old couple a harmoney atmosphere between them. The texts are parallel with the ground, so it makes the image very balance. The text and image’s percentage is about 50 to 50. Overall, I like what I did in my work. The font was match with the image and also the different color of the text gets more interesting on the image.